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Writer's pictureOisin Noonan

A Spiritual View of Schizophrenia and how to deal with it

Schizophrenia is probably one of the most horrendous mental illnesses you can get. I know myself because I was diagnosed with it a few years ago.

Schizophrenia is characterised by hearing voices and having so called delusions.

If you believe in God, you might ask, “why does God do this to people?”.

Schizophrenia is almost always a message from God/ the spirit that a person is being called upon to be a healer/shaman. In ancient cultures and tribes, shamans were the healers of the tribe.

In some cases, the victim is not really called upon by God, but in most cases they are.

A shaman is someone who has undergone a severe mental health disorder and has healed themselves, coming out on the other side with the skills needed to heal others. In ancient cultures and tribes, they were the most sacred of people, and very highly regarded.

If you have Schizophrenia today in Modern Western Society, they say you are crazy and give you horrible medication, hoping that it may keep symptoms at bay with no real hope of ever being completely free from the illness.

The medication they give for schizophrenia is extremely unhealthy for the spirit, and should only be used in short term emergencies. In a way it is a chemical lobotomy, there is no real way of getting back to the way you were before the medication. It cuts you off from your spiritual self and your inner self is harmed.

If you had schizophrenia in ancient cultures or tribes, you were seen as sacred and brought to a shaman for healing and trained to be a shaman yourself. You would then become one of the spiritual leaders of your tribe or culture, and this is the way it is supposed to work today but unfortunately modern medicine doesn’t see it that way and many would be gifted healers fall into the cracks of the psychiatric system and live second rate lives.

God is a loving being, but he is also hardcore. People who have schizophrenia have a higher karmic burden and path then the average person, and are therefore supposed to be responsible for the karma and healing of others. If a shaman is not doing his or her job, God will punish them severely. This is why schizophrenia is so horrendous. The victim has a higher potential for healing the world then others, and God needs those people to do their job, so if they are not in alignment with God they are more punished than the average person would be.

It is a shame that most modern shamans are marginalised and medicated in a western health profession that lets them down.

If you have schizophrenia, I urge you to begin walking the path of a healer/ shaman. Meditate, pray, fast, repent your sins and walk with God. Research spiritual healing and you will find your way out, with the hopes of you helping others along the way.

Meditation will begin to heal you and deprogram you from the worlds bullshit and help you see through the illusions/delusions of your illness. Fasting will bring you closer to God and praying for yourself and others will help you to show God you care and to show God your true will.

Make it your purpose to heal yourself and heal others afterwards!

If you have schizophrenia, message me, I can help.

Email me

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