There are many people awakening to the truth around the world at the moment, but there is a long way to go and the earth is still in chaos. I wanted to share with you some information I have learned over the years of my awakening journey. Information that I think is essential to the survival of the very human spirit. It would be great if everyone knew this wisdom, and I ask people to share this post if they agree.
First of all humanity was not always the way it is now. We were once peaceful and loving beings and connected to God, but we were led astray by “fierey” spirits called the archons. Archon means ruler and these spirits are called Archons because they rule over humanity ever since they led us astray.
They are slightly more “inorganic” than us in spiritual terms and they are basically like what people would call “demons”.
They were once angels of God however, but rebelled against him, attempting to usurp his power in the earth and create a kingdom of their own led by Satan himself. They have indeed partially usurped his power, but only on the planet earth, as they can’t usurp Gods power in the kingdom of heaven.
This story goes back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, when humanity became condemned for disobeying Gods will, the serpent represents the Archons and Satan.
Anyway, so the Archons have now set up a false reality where the divinity of humanity has been lost and replaced with suffering and ego drama, leading to wars and famines, conspiracies, greed and you name it. This false reality has been called the matrix by many famous prophets and lightworkers.
It is a matrix of control, illusion and deception, where everything is upside down and humanity is lost, with no knowledge of its connection to the divine and apocalypse possibly around the corner, with ongoing wars ravaging the planet fueled by greed and corruption. Also the world is in a financial system fueled by debt, a system that is ultimately unsustainable , but the people we elect into power constantly bail out the system to the detriment of the public.
Look up the Archons and the matrix if your interested in this topic.
Anyway, the Archons created this matrix by affecting our DNA. They caused our DNA to vibrate at a lower frequency, disconnecting us from God and this corresponds to Adam and Eve being banished from the Garden of Eden,.
We are all consciousness and that is energy, energy that is vibrating. Our DNA represents the computer code for this vibrating energy and if your DNA is at a lower vibration this corresponds to less divine energy within your soul and more suffering and ego drama in your life.
The matrix is constructed and powered by the negative energy of humanity(DNA energy) and controlled by the archons, who have the ability to psychically affect lower vibrating humans who have lost their connection to God.
The archons have affected the minds of humanity and feed off the negative energy this produces.
This false power the Archons have created is essentially disobeying Gods normal plan, although God presumably knew they would do it and it is ultimately part of his greater plan.
The matrix is represented in the world as corruption and chaos, and by the power system itself. There are real conspiracies and many people in power knowingly work for the Archons and Satan himself.
People who are living in a matrix based mindset are disconnected from their truth that they are a spirit in Gods creation, ultimately a servant to God and his Kingdom.
Humanity’s destiny is to break free from this matrix, and to be free from the influence of the Archons and Satan once and for all, rejoining God and Christ in the kingdom of heaven.
How to break free: To break free from the grip of the Archons you must raise your spiritual vibration through meditation, prayer and repenting sins and by turning your life over to God and living in harmony with Gods natural laws. This might seem like a lot at first but start of with daily meditation and prayer and the rest will happen naturally. It sooo worth it!
With daily meditation you will begin to raise your frequency up and out of the matrix. it is imperative to do so and you are missing out if you are not doing so!
.The simple act of observing your own consciousness shines light on areas to work on and also raises the frequency of your DNA making you less vulnerable to manipulation from the Archons. It is essential that we break free from this control and every person that breaks free starts a chain reaction of more people breaking free.
The meditation and prayer and life with God is a path to Christ Consciousness, eternal life(in this lifetime!) and to miracles and abundance and wealth and spiritual success and all the rest of that good stuff.
Christ Consciousness and Unconditional love have the power to break down the matrix. Love dissolves the negativity of the Archons and reminds them that they too are not seperate from God.
Love everything unconditionally and you will help dissolve the matrix. Forgive.
Our basic identiy is “an observer”. A witness to Gods creation. Most other identities are just labels, but we are we are essentially all the same. Everyone is equal. Energy beings sharing existence together so lets make it a better existence!
Everyone should know all this, eventually they will and hopefully that will be soon!
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