Welcome to SoulForceblog, a blog dedicated to me sharing my insight in the areas of spirituality, conspiracies, and mystery teachings like those of Jesus in the Gnostic Gospel or of Thoth in the Emerald Tablets.
I am going to use this blog as a starting point for becoming a messenger and teacher of spiritual topics as well as a sponsor for those struggling with mental health and demonic possession, and maybe a healer/counsellor for said people.
I got into spirituality years ago after a ketamine trip led me to God. I "broke through" as they say and had a spiritual awakening. Since then I have known it would be my purpose to explore and share spiritual info as well as conspiracies, and I explored and became somewhat of an expert in both topics.
Battling with drug problems however, I soon became possessed by a demon after having sex with it. I prayed to God to heal me of the demon, to little or no avail. I started taking to angelic beings such as the Archangel Michael and my spirit guide Mo Sizlack who was, at the time, posing to me as God himself, and who has actually plagued me worse than any demon at times. I have also talked with Jesus and Thoth (the Egyptian God of wisdom, and writer of The Emerald Tablets) and aliens (Annunaki) such as Enki, Enlil and Marduk,
They told me I was destined for greatness to become a messenger, healer and prophet, but they couldn't help me with the demon because of an anomaly I created in my psycho-spiritual system by taking drugs, an anomaly that allowed the demon to get stuck in my spirit body, stopping me from breaking contact with it when it was supposed to be leaving, meaning it was stuck there tormenting me for the foreseeable future.
My life got worse then when I was admitted to hospital for drug induced psychosis, where no one believed in my experiences with spirits and I was forced to take on the perspective that medication could heal me. It couldn't, and at the time I knew that but I gave it a try and it hasn't helped me much at all since.
That was 4 years ago and I have been in and out of hospital since and am currently on medication again after a year or two being off it.
I have experienced possession first hand, and learned from it. I still experience it but not as much. The angels are actually worse than the demons at times. I know what its like to feel hopeless with voices plaguing me, and I know ways to tackle of these spirits and their tricks.
These ways may not work for everyone but I have to try and help people if I can.
Anyway, the world is moving in a positive direction spiritually, regardless of Covid, People are waking up around the world to the spiritual truths of life and it has been accelerating for a very long time. Spiritual content is becoming more and more popular, and this blog will see me play a role in the Great Awakening of the Earth so please help me out by sharing and subscribing/ commenting/ contacting me/engaging.
SoulForceblog will be full of insight into: astrology, the workings of the universe and the higher self, numerology, conspiracy theories, the mysteries of the bible, the mysteries of the gnostic gospel, the mysteries of the Emerald Tablets, , the mysteries of famous beings, meditation and much more!
Thanks for reading, be sure to like us on facebook or subscribe by email to receive updates on new posts, and like/ share if you think this is valuable information!
I Work for free and provide content for free, please consider sponsoring my work at https://gofund.me/44cda8ff Thanks!
Talk to me about healing.. if your struggling and need help with healing, talk to me and I can help.. email me @ noono21212@gmail.com