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Writer's pictureOisin Noonan

New Free Short Book: Spiritual Health, Spiritual Psychology and Eternal Life Theory and Breaking...

...the Curse of Humanity.

In this book I am going to explain my theories for spiritual health and spiritual psychology and psychiatry, and tie these theories in to my theory for eternal life (in this lifetime!) as well as tie all that in to how we as a collective should begin to focus on healing and recovering from the curse of humanity and bring Gods kingdom of heaven to the planet!

I hope this book will be useful and comprehensive to both beginners and people who are more advanced in spirituality and psychology. The knowledge and wisdom I hope to put into this book has the potential to change the world, and I ask anyone who reads it to consider sharing it and spreading its wisdom to others where possible.

My name is Oisin Noonan and I have a strong background in spirituality, studying it and meditating on it for years and I consider myself to be a lightworker (a servant to the divine) and a seer(clairvoyant) who can see auras and spiritual energies in other people. I also talk to angels regularly and they told me I am one of the 144,000 prophets in the Bible and one of the sons of the morning from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.

I don’t have a very strong background in psychology however, but I hope to change that in the near future. I am currently taking a professional diploma in psychology online and I am considering going to college to study psychology full time.

My life’s goal is to help bring the kingdom of heaven to planet earth and aid God in the Second Coming of Christ. I don’t believe Christ himself will return in the flesh but I believe the energy frequency that he embodied will return in the people and in that way Christ will rule the world as king and as true God of the people at the right hand of the Father. This is a great time to be alive, because the world is waking up to the truth.

To start the book off I will explain my overall insight and then go into more detail in the later chapters.

So here it goes:

I believe the health system and also psychology and psychiatry are lacking because of their ties to atheism and because of their over-complicated nature. It takes 7 years of college and a lot of tuition fees to become well versed in these areas, something most normal people can’t afford or don’t have time for.

I think a spiritual view is more useful and easier to understand, and although it might be difficult to convince many atheists to believe in a God or the spiritual view of the universe, I think this book can still be useful in helping people if they are willing to have an open mind and give the information a try.

I think a spiritual view is more potent, and more effective in treating underlying causes of ill physical/mental health.

The truth is, for people that do believe in God, the health system, and particularly the mental health system, are failing because people may be more open to spiritually based treatments and diagnoses if they were available professionally.

The health and the mental health systems could greatly benefit by taking into account the spiritual view of illness and could help people more easily if they were willing to adopt even a small bit more regard for the spiritual view. Spiritual health is the root of physical and mental health and people who are spiritually healthy will tend to not get sick and be physically and mentally healthy as long as they stay spiritually healthy.

The spiritual healer is radicalised by modern medicine and psychiatry, even though the latter group could learn a lot from the spiritual healer.

I oblige doctors and nurses and those who educate them to consider and use a spiritual view in training and in work. I will make it my life’s work to try address some of the problems that affect the modern health and mental health system’s, such as lack of spiritual insight etc.

I predict that eventually the spiritual view will take over but I am not sure when this will come to pass due to the naivety of the so called “rational” and atheist based approaches. I was once an atheist myself and feel it was a sad time of ignorance in my life.

Spirituality has led many people to become successful today and regardless of whether or not it is true it works and has been proven to work by millions of people. One of the main theories I am referring to here is the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction has become famous in the spiritual and self help communities and has been proven to work by many people. Many spiritual teachers teach the Law of Attraction and it was made most famous in the book “The Secret”.

What the Law of Attraction says is that everything you experience is ‘attracted’ into your experience based on the frequency of your thoughts and emotions/feelings. Nothing you experience can defy the Law of Attraction, including health and mental health. Even if you fall off your bike and hurt your leg, it is due to the Law of Attraction that this happened.

So everything is attracted into your experience based on the vibration and energy of your spirit!

What I would actually say is that the Law of Attraction says that the vibration of your spirit(thoughts and feelings ) manifests your reality. I can also propose how this happens.

The spirit can be divided into 7 chakras, which are easy to understand and work with. Modern psychology and health professionals should know that it is the state of vibration of these 7 chakras, that dictates, by the Law of Attraction, what health problems(if any) will manifest!

Its that simple!

The 7 chakras are like 7 layers of the psyche, and their energies reside in the body. You can heal your chakras with meditation and a healthy spiritual lifestyle and therefore can guarantee good health in people when addressing the vibration of chakras as a cause for ill health.

The chakras are one layer of the spirit-mind system that actually embody the energies of another deeper and more complex energy system called the tree of life.

I believe the story of Adam and Eve in the bible is significant, and what it says is that Humanity was in a state of unity with God and fell from grace into sin, cursing themselves and their future generations to come because they disobeyed Gods will. When saying they disobeyed Gods will I mean they disobeyed Gods natural will for them, but they still did what God expected, meaning that God knew they would do it and it was part of his plan.

When they disobeyed God’s will they fell out of alignment with the universe and their Cosmic Blueprint. So this means that humanity is currently not in a “natural state” with regard to Gods will, but there is a way we can get back into the way God intended for us.

In the bible God says if man eats the fruit from the tree of life they would live forever.”22 and the Lord God said, behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever;”

I have personal insight into the tree of life and I know how to “eat of” or “activate” its fruits, and I believe that to return to harmony with Gods original plan for humanity, we must activate the tree of life within us. We will then truly be living in God’s image, unlike the way we are living now. God always intended eternal life for us, but he wanted us to go through sin and suffering to make us stronger before we received the gift of eternal life.

The tree of life is like the 7 chakras, only its a deeper layer of the mind, body and spirit system. It consists of 11, sometimes ten, or maybe even 12 “sephirot” or pieces. Like the chakras, these pieces correspond to parts of the body. I will go into more detail in later chapters but to eat the fruit of the tree of life you must simply meditate with your awareness just observing, without judgement, the areas of the body that correspond to the 12 pieces of the tree of life, in a daily practice, and also live a healthy spiritual lifestyle and you will awaken the tree of life within you and live forever, or at least as long as you continue to live in harmony with the universe, and the natural will of God.

Your awareness is connected to your higher self*, also known as your Christ self and is directly connected to Christ consciousness. The unconditioned love and light of your pure awareness has the power to heal your spirit when applied daily. I will talk more about how to do this in later chapters.

*the higher self is the part of your spirit that governs your life and is connected to God.

When humanity wakes up from its spiritual slumber and begins to live in harmony with nature and God, when people go within themselves for answers(the universe is within you!), and begin to work together in love and light, we will begin to awaken the fruit of the tree of life within each person and people will begin to live forever and build a marvellous and sustainable society together.

I believe humanity inherited a curse when “Adam and Eve” sinned and ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and that curse is still hanging over us today, causing all of the suffering we see and actually is the cause of death itself because we don’t live in harmony with nature and God or our higher/ Christ selves.

In order for us to overcome this curse, the wise people of the growing spiritual awakening and spiritual community will have to work together to wake others up and to pass on the wisdom contained in this book. I’m not saying that this book is needed to save humanity, but the information within it is enough to bring healing and prosperity to the world.This book can really help if it is understood properly and shared far and wide.

Some barriers to the kingdom of heaven on earth are:

The Financial System:

  • The debt-based economy will have to be changed to something more sustainable that doesn’t just benefit the bankers and people at the top of the pyramid, a new system should be set up that encourages an even spread of the wealth in the population. A fair system should be set up. For some reason, nobody seems to be successfully at trying to achieve this. The governments are happy to bail out the bankers and leave the common man financially crippled. This has to stop!

  • The less than 1% who own 90% of the worlds wealth must face up to their negative impact on the world, as poverty in the world could be overcome with their help. Their negligence and greed is criminal, they should be using their mass fortunes to help people. They are either too greedy or too stupid to fix the problem and the people in Government are no better.

The War on Drugs:

  • The war on drugs must also come to and endso people aren’t imprisoned for experimenting with their own consciousness, and the huge black market responsible for most of the crime in the world can be made legitimate and regulated, and drugs made safer. Drugs aren’t going away, so the best thing we can do is legalize them and make them safer and less taboo with the hopes of educating people on the dangers and minimising risk. The war on drugs is seriously pointless, and will never work, all it achieves is creating huge division and crime in the world.

The Mainstream Media:

  • The Mainstream Media must also become more trustworthy and less monopolised, and should really be reporting, at least somewhat, on the growing spiritual awakening. Science itself even points to a mystical/spiritual universe, with experiments showing that matter itself is probably somehow conscious, and that emotions can affect the vibration of matter, with positive emotions creating beauty in the matter and negative emotions creating ugly distortions. Why don’t we see this in the mainstream news? Its real science!

  • In order for humanity to break its curse people need to know the truth and that means the truth must become mainstream hopefully via the Mainstream Media.


  • War itself must also be finished with if we are to see meaningful change and the nations must work together to create a better future for our children rather than fighting with one another.


  • We live in a world that is traumatic to exist in. Our children should be taught basic spiritual skills such as meditation, unconditional self love, and the truth that we are just simply divine awareness, our identities are creative fiction, this would help them cope with the trauma of the world.

  • They should also teach our children to be free and independant thinkers, rather than teaching them pointless regurgitation of almost useless information.


  • The world must be united under one true religion(which may be a mixture of all religions, including hermetic philosophy) and I believe Gods prophets must take over from the governments of the nations and lead the world in wisdom and harmony with Gods will.

The wise people of the growing spiritually awakened community have the power to take the world back from the selfish and stupidly insane “elite”. God is on our side! We have to stand up and speak up! It starts with you!

A closer look at the chakra system and how it could benefit the health, psychology and psychiatry systems, and healing the chakras using meditation:

The 7 chakra system is simple and easy to use, and also very effective in teaching people to intuitively understand the mind/ spirit.

Life itself can be generally described as a series of satisfying urges/wants/needs/desires in various ways.

These needs and desires, in 7 layers, come from the 7 chakras, and each chakra deals with a different area or level of life. From security needs to divine connection needs, everything is covered by the 7 chakras.

The seven chakras are ‘wheels of energy’ and represent 7 layers of the mind. They each have particular types of desires/needs and functions associated with them, and they exist in a hierarchy with one layer above or below the next.

Here is my best explanation of the 7 chakras:

The Root Chakra (Chakra 1):

The Root Chakra is the most basic chakra and takes care of basic security and survival needs. When this chakra is out of balance feelings of lack and fear may be present in your emotions. In order for the root chakra to be healthy, open, and functioning optimally,like all the chakras, the other chakras must be healthy and open as well. A problem in one layer results in problems in other layers! When open, feelings of peace, abundance, and unconditional love may be present.

The Root Chakra, as the name suggests, is the foundation for the rest of the chakras. In order for the other chakras to be healthy the root must also be healthy. Problems with the root chakra could manifest as anxiety or paranoia, fight or flight responses malfunctioning.

The Sacral Chakra(Chakra 2): The Sacral Chakra is responsible for social needs, creative energies, sexual energies, and pleasure needs. When this chakra is out of balance feelings of being socially or spiritually lost may be present. Creative blocks may be present or also sexual insecurity. Also addictions including food addictions may be a problem. This chakra depends on the other chakras to be healthy and open and is closely related to the heart chakra. When healthy and open feelings of belonging and creative flow may be present. Also bliss may be felt when this chakra is healthy.

The sacral chakra is the seat of the inner child. This chakra must be healthy in order for the person to be vibrant and spiritually healthy. Many people today have lost touch with their sacral chakra and would greatly benefit from healing it.

The Solar Plexus Chakra(Chakra 3):

This chakra is responsible for self esteem needs and is related to the ego. When blocked, feelings of low confidence may be present and feelings of greed or anger may be present. When healthy and open, feelings of good confidence and success may be felt as well as feelings of inner peace and being centred. This chakra corresponds to the gut brain in the body.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the source of our inner strength, and is used in the brain’s thinking process. A healthy Solar Plexus can heal the Root Chakra, as many of the Root Chakras needs depend on the solar plexus chakra.

The Heart Chakra(Chakra 4):

This chakra is responsible for love, purpose and relationships, and the emotions of other chakras can be felt here. When blocked feelings of being lost in life, feelings of meaninglessness and feelings of lack may be present. When unblocked and healthy feelings of joy and happiness may be present as well as a sense of purpose/belonging. This chakra corresponds to the heart brain in the body.

The heart chakra is like the bridge between the ego and the Higher Spirit. A strong connection with the heart leads to great joy in the person and a sense of self worth and self love.

The Throat Chakra(Chakra 5):

This chakra is responsible for expression and confidence in explaining things. It is also the chakra that the mind uses to control the body. When blocked, feelings of low confidence, not being good enough and lack may be present. When unblocked and open feelings of joy and freedom may be present as well as confidence in expression. Honesty is good for this chakra.

The Throat chakra is very important and is linked to the primitive part of the mind. Decisions come from this chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra(Chakra 6): This Chakra is also called the seat of the soul and is responsible for mental imagery, psychic perception(ESP), information processing, imagination and intuition. When blocked the mind may be cloudy or blocked, and there may be a lack of clarity or confusion. There may also be a lack of wisdom when this chakra is not open and healthy. When open feelings of understanding and wisdom may be present.

The third eye chakra is very important as it is the centre of information processing and visualisation.

The Crown Chakra (Chakra 7): This Chakra is responsible for divine connection with God and interest in things. When blocked paying attention may be difficult and a sense of disconnection from life may be present. When healthy and open feelings of oneness with the world and with nature and God may be present.

The crown chakra needs to be healthy in a healthy spiritual life, and it has a powerful affect on the other 6 Chakras and connects them to God.

This is a view of the chakras as I best understand them myself. It is probably not the full picture, and may not even be 100% accurate (its hard to describe theChakras in words when you know them intuitively), but it will give you a fair idea of how they work. The main point I am trying to make is that it is possible for psychologists to define the psyche or mind of a person based on the 7 chakras, then apply healing to areas of need to heal the patient. The problems that arise in the patient can generally be categorised by problems with particular chakras. You don’t need to know them perfectly, just know the gist and youcan actually begin to work with them.

I would also guess that the seven chakras correspond to areas in the brain and brain system*, with the Root chakra corresponding to the more primitive parts and the Third Eye and Crown chakras corresponding to the higher parts.

*there is a heart brain and a gut brain!

Learning about the chakras would help psychologists to understand how the mind works. It is a simple and effective way of understanding the mind. It is also a fundamental way to understand the mind! It would help them to treat patients as well, as simple meditation applied daily combined with a healthy spiritual lifestyle will heal the chakras.

The brain system is the physical representation of the mind/spirit, and I believe the 7 chakras are an energetic representation of the brain system/ mind/spirit, showing that the mind/spirit exists in 7 easily definable layers or levels. Each level deals with a different area or level of life.

You can read more about the chakras online if you are interested, or you can learn about them intuitively through meditation and experience. Try to feel what your chakras are telling you, how healthy they are and what are they feeling like etc. It is quite straight forward to learn about the chakras intuitively and there is also tons of information about them online. I would recommend a mixture of both of these learning methods to get the best overall understanding of the chakras.Understanding yourself is important for your spiritual health, which is the underlying root of your physical and mental health! Knowing the chakras will help you to know yourself!

Psychological problems in the patient can generally be represented as problems with their chakra system. You get blockages in your chakras when you have psychological problems and knowing this could help psychologists and psychiatrists deal with and treat patients. The problems stem from an imbalance in your mind/spirit/chakras, and a problem in one level manifests as a problem in all levels.

If you have any problems in your life at all, they can almost always be represented by blockages in your chakra system/spirit and knowing about the chakras can highlight what areas you need to work on. Psychologists and psychiatrists should also be spiritual experts and teach spiritual methods of healing.

Problems with different chakras correspond to problems in the area or level of life represented by that chakra.You can intuitively feel what your chakra system is feeling and different problems in life will create different problems in different areas of the chakra system/body.

Problems with the chakras will manifest as physical ailments or mental problems, and where your chakras are in harmony, your life itself will be running smoothly!

You simply apply energy healing to the chakras that are blocked, and also correct behaviours that are causing problems, and you will heal the patient, and with time and proper therapy any problem can be overcome. Healing the chakras will almost automatically heal the problems in your life, as you will receive inspiration while meditating and make appropriate changes yourself.

I think it is important for psychologists and psychatrists to be aware of the chakras, and how the mind,body and spirit and their workings obey Spiritual Laws! Spiritual laws (like the Law of Attraction) which can be understood! The Mental health of the population is currently very bad, while the mental health system is seemingly unable to combat this problem, and I think a spiritual understanding of mental health is the solution we are looking for. This means the mental health system should adopt a spiritual focus and educate people on the spiritual laws that govern mental and spiritual health.

Some of these spiritual laws are as follows:

  • Root Health: Mental Health and Physical Health are a function of Spiritual Health(Energetic Health is the root of Physical and Mental Health and chakras are the energetic manifestation of the mind/spirit). Keeping your spirit healthy will keep your mind and body healthy(physical health seems to be a root of spiritual health, but it is not. However, good spiritual health requires good physical health also, and the body is actually an extension of the soul or mind).

  • The Law of Attraction: Your outer world reflects your inner world(emotions and thoughts) and you attract experiences that resonate with your energy vibration. Changing your thoughts and emotions can manifest a more favourable outer reality.

  • Law of Cause and Effect: illness and sickness manifest as a result of something you did, either in this life or a past life and curing the sickness will be easiest if you can rectify the wrong doing that caused the sickness in the first place.

  • Belief and faith can heal: if you believe you will heal, you are much more likely to actually heal. note: The Placebo Effect

The next question is how exactly do we heal in a way that addresses spiritual causes of illness? I know the perfect meditation for psychologists and psychiatrists to use as energy healing with their patients that will heal the chakra system and physical body, and actually correct the patients karma and change their energeticrelationship with the universe(alchemical relationship with the universe)!

I will talk about this meditation more in a later chapter, and I also talked about it in my book, “A Spiritual Guide to Healing(with Meditation from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth)”. You can read this short book for free on my blog site: “”

To sum it up you basically pay attention to one half of the body for an hour of the day, lying down with your head facing north, breathing deeply, and then you pay attention to the other half of the body for another hour later in the day lying down with your head facing south, breathing deeply. Then every 7th time you meditate you balance your attention between both halves of the body.

This meditation is designed to fully heal and strengthen the health of the mind, body and spirit. It heals all the chakras and it heals and awakens the tree of life that is found within the body, and is actually supposed to heal the curse of death, by waking up the tree of life that is found in the body. It heals your karma and gets you on a path of spiritual ascensionand is supposed to lengthen your life so you can live indefinitely without dying!

Ageing is supposed to be caused by the vibration and length of things called “telomeres” in the cells of the body and I believe that this meditation slows down the ageing process and can even stop it altogether. Although it has yet to be proven, I do believe!

Everything is vibration, and the vibration and length of these telomeres can most likely be affected and controlled by the spirit through meditation. We could possibly verify this meditation scientifically by testing the length of telomeres of people who do it daily!

This meditation is truly a game changer and I have been using it to heal my schizophrenia and it has been working.My quality of life has gotten much better since I started to use this meditation. I’m not fully there yet however but Iam getting better every day!

I really encourage psychologists and psychiatrists to investigate the Chakra system and its uses, as well as how to heal them as it would greatly benefit them if they could understand and work with this system. Its a simple way to look at the mind as 7 layers of 7 kinds of energies.

Although the 7 chakras are not strictly scientific, being based on the Extra Sensory Perception of meditation practitioners both modern and ancient, psychologists and psychiatrists could prove that the idea works and use it. They could also prove it to themselves intuitively that there are 7 energy centres in the body that correspond to the 7 chakras. They could begin to understand the 7 chakras intuitively and use their intuition to help patients with easy to understand methods of healing, methods based on meditation and the self learning and self healing of the patient. Regardless of whether or not you believe it, spiritual healing works and has been proven by many to work. Self healing is is the key, as nobody can heal you better than you can.

Modern psychology and psychiatry could test the theory of Chakras existing, and test the effectiveness of using this meditation to heal them.They could do this by taking into account the layers or areas of life that correspond to the chakras, linking problems with chakras and map out problems and chakras in a chart and get a better idea of how chakra health creates problems. They wouldmore than likely prove that Chakras are a valid theory and a valid way of defining the mind and that the theory can be used to heal a persons mind, body and spiritvery effectively. This would in theory prove to the atheist and rational world that so called divine energies are real and can be used in the healing process, and that is partially what this book is about.

If psychologists and psychiatrists trialled the meditation I talk about they would find that it has profound effects on the health of their patients. Proper trials would need to be done but I’m telling you this meditation would revolutionise health if it was widely applied. Some of the benefits would include improved mood, improved focus, finding of life’s purpose, improved motivation, improved mental capabilities, improved creativity, more inspiration, healing of trauma, improved connectivity in the brain, less toxic energy in the spirit, release of ego, and improved physical and mental health. People who hear voices would find that their life gets easier and the voices are easier to manage, and the voices might even disappear totally after a long period of using this meditation.

If psychologists and psychiatrist learned of the 7 chakras and used them in their healing methods they would be more successful in their treatments. Their system of diagnosis could be simplified and strengthened, and healing of their patients’ problems could be as easy as teaching meditation and self love/self care. Psychologists and psychiatrists would actually be teaching self healing and be giving more power to their patients.

Everything is energy, and the healing meditation I talk about would greatly benefit anyone with psychological or psychiatric problems or even physical problems because it heals on an energetic(fundamental) level. Everything is the spirit(conscious energy), and your psychological health and physical health are just a reflection of your spiritual health. This is the missing truth that would help doctors and psychologists determine why people get sick. All illness stems from spiritual(energetic) health and spiritual integrity.Simply paying attention to your inner self daily (meditation) will boost spiritual health and protect against mental and physical health problems.

With regard to predicting how the vibration of Chakras affects physical health, it might be trickier than when compared to mentalhealth, with some of the process of how chakras affect physical health appearing to be more random, but I believe it can also be done. We would have to try assess how the higher self/spirit decides to give us physical ailments and diseases in the first place, which is something that may take a lot of work and I don’t know where to start on it at the moment to be honest. Our past life karma also affects our health in this life, and past life regression therapy is becoming more common in the spiritual healing community.

What I do know is that we are given physical ailments and diseases to correct our karma, and that the correction relates to how the ailment or disease makes us feel. How we feel is what “fixes” our karmic/energetic imprint, and our spirit gives us ailments so we love ourselves more. I also know that by healing the mind body and spirit with meditation, which we can do, we can cure and prevent diseases and physical ailments and also use a higher percentage of our brain(They say we only use 10% of our brain power, I believe meditation can unlock the other 90 percent by creating more connectivity between different parts of the brain).

This happens because we begin to awaken the fruit of the tree of life within us, and begin to open and unblock chakras, meaning we use our minds, bodies, and spirits the way God intended them to be used, getting rid of toxic energies that clog the cogs of our mind and releasing us from the curse of the ego driven self when we begin to follow what our spirit and our heart show us in meditation.

This information has the potential to revolutionise healing and change the world, and honestly I don’t know how someone hasn’t done it already.

Anyway, in order to prove the chakra system is real beyond reasonable doubt, the spiritual community and the spiritual healing community would have to work with the scientific community and the psychological and psychiatric communities, as well as the health and medicine systems. It can and should be done and I will make it part of my life’s work to see to it that it is done!

We would need to map out the psyche as best we can based on the 7 chakras and learn of how the chakras operate. Scientifically it would be tricky but would be a great feet of accomplishment and highly beneficial to patients.

I hope, pray and believe that the health, psychiatry and psychology systems can be revolutionised in our lifetime, and that people can live much longer lives than previously thought thanks to the meditation given to us in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth!

Everyone should have a daily meditation practice, and we would see the huge mental health problems in the western world diminish. Although meditation classes are offered in mental health institutions, a daily practice is for some reason not encouraged. I don’t think modern psychology or psychiatry understands the huge potential of meditation to combat mental health problems, or even physical problems!

In order to take advantage of the healing power of meditation however, you need to do a fair bit of it. I would recommend at least 2 hours per day to get maximum health benefits, but its up to you if you want to do this much.

A closer look at this meditation and the tree of life and how this meditation can help break the curse of humanity that has been with us since the garden of eden:

To do this meditation doesn’t take much skill. It just takes persistence and practice and you are bound to get it right.

Simply observe, from the tip of your head to your chest, inside the body, breathing deeply, lying down with your head facing north for one hour per day, then observe from the chest to the feet, inside the body, breathing deeply, lying down with your head facing south for a second hour per day. Every 7thhour you spend doing it then balance your awareness between the whole body balancing at the chest/heart chakra.

This meditation will begin to heal any emotional trauma you have in your subconscious and increase your mood and quality of life by healing and awakening your inner spirit. You will receive inspiration while doing it as well and you may receive downloads from God after a bit of practice!

Try this meditation out and see what results you get...

The pure awareness of you simply observing the areas of the body that correspond to areas of the spirit creates a connection between your lower spirit(you) and your higher spirit(higher self), and heals and awakens your lower spirit, and increases resonance between your lower spirit(you) and higher spirit(higher self)!

It is well worth spending 2 hours per day doing this meditation and spending such time meditating will set you up spiritually for success and a better life.

In order to gain full health benefits from this meditation it is advised that you also live a heathy spiritual life as well. Minimise sinful behaviour like drinking and taking drugs and minimise unhealthy food. Eat plenty of fruit and veg and perhaps look into a vegetarian/vegan diet. Be a good person and don’t take advantage of others. Tell the truth and minimise illicit sexual activity as well and be faithful to God. Abstaining from sexual activity altogether for long periods is advised.

Gods purpose for you is for you to somehow be of service to others and to the universe itself. Make it a goal to find your ultimate purpose in service to God and society. You don’ t have to be a priest to serve God, each person has their role and everyone is a servant somehow. Seek to make the world better and be the change you wish to see!

This meditation will take your spiritual life to the next level. I also advise doing some plain mindfulness as well in between the 2 hours.

Below is a picture of the tree of life from Jewish Kaballah . It details the parts of the spirit that exist in the layer behind the chakras. These pieces of the tree of life feed into the chakras. They correspond to parts of the body and you can actually feel what they are telling you if you are sensitive and in tune with yourself. Everyone can become more sensitive by paying regular attention to themselves.

It is said in the bible that when Man eats of the fruit of the tree of life, then he will live forever and it is also said that the meditation I described above will let you live forever. I am suggesting that this is because the meditation I described allows you to heal and awaken the tree of life within you and eat from its fruits!

This wisdom is really game changing!

Attention without judgement is unconditional love, and it is very pure. It comes from your higher chakras and paying attention to yourself is loving yourself with divine healing awareness!

In the world we live in, most peoples tree of life/ chakra systems are out of sync and unhealthy. This is because of the curse of humanity, a curse which can and is destined to be overcome!

We live in an energic matrix, most likely a hologram,and it has been taken over by dark forces. The matrix we live in is an energetic prison for the mind and soul, where bad and unconscious behaviour andbehaviour that causes spiritual suffering is rampant,, and this isdone on purpose by the people at the top of the power system who control the population. These people are dark priests in secret societies and also famous and wealthy people who attend and are indoctrinated into the secret societies.

These secret societies have up until recently been keeping all the spiritual wisdom for themselves and have constructed society to make it harder and less likely for people to be spiritually powerful, but since the birth of the internet this information has been leaking back out into the public.

Regardless of whether or not there is a conspiracy by people at the top of society to control us, we do live in an energetic matrix(like a computer program) that is naturally programmed to not be in true alignment with God.

This is done on purpose, our energy as a collective has been spiritually poisoned.

The suffering and trauma-creating energy of the matrix we live in correlates with the tree of life and chakra system being out of alignment with Gods willand our spirits being controlled by agents of darkness. Our energy can be described as dark red because it is in a low frequency and is unhealthy. People are unconscious of spiritual truths that could set them free from this matrix.

Picture the energy frequency of the planet we live in being a hellish dark red, rather than the pure colour of golden green that its supposed to be. This is caused by the people who control the world, people who worship dark forces in these secret societies, for power and wealth, people who have crafted society from its early days to enslave the common man both spiritually and financially!

If you want to learn more about these people then check out the work of Mark Passio and David Icke. Also check out the work of Leonard Horowitz and Joe Dispenza. Go down the rabbit hole and connect the dots for yourself!

Mark Passio is an ex-satanist turned whisteblower with a powerful youtube channel and David Icke is an investigative journalist, author and conspiracy theorist who does 9 hour talks and presentations on the subject of conspiracies and the truth of our universe and people in secret societies.

We as people are controlled and contained like cattle or sheep, and our energy vibration is harnessed by dark entities called Archons. They feed on our suffering! Our DNA, which is the program code for our(most likely holographic) existence, has been affected negatively and kept in a low vibrational state of dark red, meaning chaos and ego vibrations, since Adam and Eve fell from the Garden of Eden, so we can feed these dark fallen entities.

These entities work for the Devil himself and can be seen as resonating with a dark red frequency. They feed on our energy and want us to give off a dark red frequency so they can use our energy to power them. They originally fed off Gods pure energy, which has a golden/green colour, but since they fell from grace they need an external source of energy and they have manipulated our DNA to give of the dark red fallen frequency of spiritual suffering(ego consciousness).

Because we lost our connection to God in the Garden of Eden, these entities can come into our minds and spirits and manipulate our DNA, which is the energetic and meta-physical program of our mind/soul/existence itself. By manipulating our DNA, they have a certain amount of control over us. They exist in the lower fourth dimension(there is a positive and negative forth dimension) and can manipulate our thoughts to a certain extent if we don’t align with spirit/love. They keep us in fear and suffering and feed off our negative emotions. The battle between good and evil, the battle between God and the Devil, exists in our mind and in our soul, and in our DNA!

Meditation, and particularly the meditation I talk about and use myself is the best way of protecting ourselves from these entities. That and living a pure spiritual life with good karma will gain you protection and fullfillment.

These entities must and will be stopped. The first step is widespread education. This information needs to go as public and as mainstream as possible, and that’s already happening. We need to give everyone, especially children the spiritual tools to cope with and heal trauma, and embrace unconditional love and we can take society back and heal the trauma of humanity and overturn our captors.

Meditation and unconditional love can heal trauma, and people need to wake up to this. Proper consciousness based in true reality is essential!

We are not the labels we give ourselves. We are simply divine observers having a unique experience. We go through many lives to gain experience on planet earth, a planet known for tough lessons. We are existence itself, having a unique experience and each with our own unique expression. Sons and daughters of God made in his image and expressing his spirit in unique ways.

When you embrace spirit and not ego, you realize that you love everyone, because they are you in another form! You might have disagreements but ultimately you will value everyone else’s experience because it is ultimately just as valuable as yours. Even criminals; murderers, rapists and paedophiles are your brothers and sisters in spirit and deserve your unconditioned love and prayers.

Before we come into this realm, we all get together with God as equals and decide who goes where. The murderers, rapists and paedophiles are genuinely doing us all the favour of experiencing the karma of something we would rather not experience, after this life we will thank them for their part that they played. They are us and we are them.

All of the sin on the planet is caused by trauma and unconsciousness, stemming from the first sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and we are kept in slavery to sin and spiritual ignorance by the system we live in. We must wake up!

Its not very difficult to heal trauma, but the first step is to realise you have it. Society is psychotic and ignorant and is in need of spiritual therapy and healing!

This wisdom has the power to change the world, please share this book if you agree, and read it again: The world is in trauma. Children are programmed to have trauma. If we equip our children with the spiritual tools to heal trauma, the kingdom of heaven is around the corner.

How to heal trauma: meditate(mindfulness) and become mindful that its a false belief lacking in love that’s causing the trauma. Love yourself unconditionally and realise you are a divine observer(you are existence itself experiencing itself) and a child of God and love everyone else unconditionally that’s involved. Don’t hold grudges!

We are all just love energy condensed to a perspective. Love and light is our essenence! Put yourself in other peoples shoes and realise everyone is equal and worthy of love, prayer and healing.

If we can get it into peoples heads that they are more powerful than the entities that control us then its game over for them, but we need to get the word out there. We are all very powerful, and can tap into infinite potential and infinite creativity. Something the fallen ones can’t do so easily.

The nations need to work together and stop fighting and warring with one another. We need to love our neighbours as ourselves!

War keeps the karma of the planet in truama(dark red energy), and the governments of the world should come together and make a peace treaty for no more war.

The meditation I use takes the unconscious dark red chaotic energy of the unconscious and traumatised spirit and over time turns it into a golden green. The positive energy you receive while doing it actually radiates out into the universe and begins to heal other people. The ether/spirit world of the planet is in disarray because humanity is generally unconscious, but it is definitely picking up. The more you meditate the more positive energy you give off and people on the healing path are giving others a good and worthy example to follow.

When enough people take their power back from their demons and begin to heal and embrace their spiritual healing journey, we will reach a thresh hold of people on the planet who are aware of what’s really going on and the world will finally change, so embrace the spiritual path and be a good example for others!

Eventually spiritual wisdom will become mainstream and we will all be free from slavery, and hopefully that will be sooner rather than later. My life’s goal is to help the planet transition from ego consciousness to Christ Consciousness(pure spiritual awareness and connetion to God), and help bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the planet.

The Curse of Humanity and Barriers to Breaking it..

With all that being said, we still have a long way to go and there are plenty of barriers to our spiritual freedom and the kingdom of heaven returning to Earth.

I will list what i feel these barriers are below. It might be an incomplete list but it will be a start and something for the spiritual leaders of the world to think about.

  • The Financial System:

  • The financial system is corrupt, and almost certainly guaranteed to keep failing. Printing money creates inflation which weakens the power of an economy and eventually all fiat currencies fail. We need a solid alternative and people should know this. I can’t imagine what kind of alternative would work at this time but it it is most definitely needed because there just seems to be recession after recession and it can’t go on like that. Even when there was a good spell in the economy it was just a “bubble” that popped when things got into full swing.

  • Bailing out bankers is another trend that needs to go! It shows how corrupt the system is and although I don’t know much about it it is a sure sign of where the governments real affiliations lie.

  • The people of Planet Earth need real talks on the economic future of the planet to take place, and until they do take place, we will see debts,debts and more debts and the average quality of living will stay below what should be par!

  • The War on Drugs:

  • The War on drugs is honestly just plain stupid. It is ridiculous to think it will ever work because people will always find a way to smuggle drugs into local areas and sell them to customers.

  • The war on drugs is also just plain wrong, because how can one person or one group of people tell another person or group of people that they cant experiment with their own consciousness, even if its detrimental to their health? Its your own choice. You cant force people to your will and jailing drug addicts is not fair. I used to be a drug addict myself (im in recovery) and I know drug addicts are more often than not good people. They need help!

  • If we legalised drugs across the board then it would be easier to deliver safe drugs and reduce harm, also it would take some of the stigma away from it all and drug addicts would be less marginalised. Also, it would be a good way to let people who don’t have addictions blow off steam and experiment with their consciousness.

  • Psychedelics have a profound effect on the consciousness of humans and can open up spiritual doorways. There is research being done on their effects and it is showing positive results! They can heal depression, ptsd and other mental health problems and I know from experience they can open up a spiritual door and give you easy access to divine experiences.

  • The war on drugs is creating huge division on the planet and massive social problems. If drugs were legalised then huge amounts of crime would be prevented.

  • The Mainstream Media:

  • The Mainstream Media on the planet is corrupt. They lie and push certain narratives and they never talk about real problems like unelected men in smokey rooms deciding the worlds fate for their own profit.

  • They are too secular as well and this is by design. They are controlled by the 1% who own most of the worlds wealth and these people don’t want the public waking up to conspiracy theories or spirituality and they certainly don’t want us to embrace our true power.

  • They have been known to lie and tell only half truths, and also they push the agenda of the globalist elite.

  • The mainstream media are cancerous for society and should be all boycotted. It would be nice to see the mainstream media be revolutionised by real science and knowledge of how to really cope with the trauma and suffering of the world we live in, but sadly that probably wont happen.

  • What could happen is alternative media sites could begin to play a bigger role in informing the public on what’s going on. Verified and trustworthy reporters could come together to deliver real news and uplift the public and bring stories to light that could help people rather than only reporting bad news story after bad news story. I think the mainstream media is failing the people and it has to be changed before we can see real spiritual change on the planet.

  • Education:

  • The Modern Education system was set up by the Rockefellors. The Rockefelleors were an oil selling American family who have been linked with the Rothschilds and other wealthy families suspected by many of being globalist and New World Order enthusiasts. This means that the people who set up common core schooling were more than likely setting it up to benefit themselves and their cronies.

  • School teaches kids to be subservient to authority and to regurgitate semi useless and readily available information. They don’t teach kids to be free thinkers and they certainly don’t encourage going against the status quo. This is detrimental to society in many ways. Society needs leaders who challenge normal authority, not join forces with them.

  • School children should also be prepared for coping with trauma and given basic spiritual skills such as meditation and unconditional self love.

  • Kids these days are made to be robots and if real teaching doesn’t come from the parents then the kids should be able to turn to their school teachers for real spiritual guidance. Teachers should be learned in spiritual topics and meditation and should be able to guide their pupils in the ups and downs of everyday life on planet earth.

  • Our children are suffering and becoming brainwashed and this needs to stop before we can see peace on earth.

  • Science:

  • There is real science that backs spirituality and religion, but for some reason it has not become mainstream. I don’thet know why but maybe the scientists in mainstream are working for the elites like the mainstream media.

  • The double slit experiment is a famous experiment done by Thomas Young in 1801, shows that particles can act as a wave or a particle, but not only that, it shows that the particle changes when you observe it, meaning your awareness changes the particle and the particle “chooses” to become a wave depending on whether or not someone is looking. The meaning behind this experiment points to a mystical answer, but nobody in mainstream science or the mainstream media ever talks about it!

  • A guy called Rupert Sheldrake did an experiment on rats, and he found that when you train a number of rats to complete a task, eventually it becomes easier for other rats, with no connection to the first set of rats, to complete said task. His theory for how this happens is called Morphic Resonance, and it states that animals psychically inherit traits from eachother. If you can imagine the first monkey who used a tool to make food for example, morphic resonance states that other monkeys may start to use tools as well, even if they had no contact with the first monkey that began to use a tool!

  • This experiment is incredible, and potentially shows how a spiritual/mystical element of consciousness can stimulate responses in animals when under similar experiences as other animals. Once again, the mainstream science and mainstream media have not brought this experiment to the front pages as they should, and this experiment is a clear sign of a mystical/spiritual universe!

  • A Japenese scientist named Dr Masaru Emoto conducted experiments on water. He labelled different water samples with different emotional responses and froze the water. The results were incredible. He proved that emotions affect the molecules of water and positive words and emotions produced beauty in the water while negative words and emotions produce ugly distortions in the water! This experiment shows how our emotions have power in the physical realm and also that water, and possibly all matter responds to the consciousness of human beings. Here is a picture of some of his experimental results:

Dr Masaru Emoto wrote a book in 2004 titled “The Hidden Messages in Water” and it was a new york times best seller!

  • Religion/Atheism:

  • The spiritual atmosphere of the main stream of society is stale. It is mostly atheistic/ secular but on the fringes of that you have the bible pushers and quoran pushers of Christianity and Islam who don’t know how to push faith properly. These people expect others to convert because they say God is real but nobody will convert until they see the proof for themselves.

  • Also, there is a certain amount of willfull ignorance among the population of western culture to stay secular, and believe that the amazing universe we live in came about without intelligent design. Science is more for intelligent design than these people think and in fact most famous scientists such as Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla were spiritual/religious/faithful to God/some higher power.

  • It is time for society to really to some self examination and research on mystical/spiritual topics and if we do do this research and self examination properly then we will 100% without a doubt find that there has to be more to the universe than meets the eye. Psychedelics can show us there is more to this universe and indeed the planet we live on than most people think, but unfortunately they are illegal in almost every country!

  • The world needs to be brought together by one true religion. This religion may take bits from all religions, and most likely will bring esoteric wisdom like hermetic philosophy to the public which is needed.


The spiritual view is better and more helpful than the standard secular/rational/atheistic view of modern psychology/ psychiatry, and I encourage psychologists and psychiatrists to look into it. It is one of my life’s goals to help bring science and spirituality together and would happily work with any scientist/ psychologist to further spirituality and psychology joining forces!

The state of vibration of our spirit(chakras) decides whether or not we get physically/mentally unwell and I believe this can be scientifically proven. In my life I will try to use science to raise the popularity of spirituality.

Healing the 7 chakras can heal the mind body and spirit and protect against sickness.

Different problems in life correspond to different problems in different chakras and the particular chakra that the problem corresponds to will signify the area of life to work on. You can help in fixing a problem by applying energy healing to the chakras.

Healing the chakras is as easy as paying attention to your body.

The soul is in the body and if you pay attention to the body in meditation you can activate your soul and heal your soul!

It is most likely possible for us to live forever, all you have to do is a special but straightforward meditation for 2 hours per day, and you will activate and eat from the fruit of the tree of life, which is said in the bible to give eternal life. See you in the year 3000!

We live in an energetic matrix that is controlled by demons and the Devil himself. This matrix is feueled by sin, negative energy, and unconsciousness and we will not see the end of it until the whole world wakes up. It is the duty of the awake individual to share and create content that could wake up others.

In order for us to wake up and create a better and more beautiful world for our children we need to change the financial system which is based on debt and inflation. We also need to end the war on drugs and fix the crappy mainstream media. War must be abolished and Religions need to join forces under one faith system, one that promotes giving people access to esoteric truths and freedom from slavery.

Science points to a mystical universe and most famous scientists(regarded as the smartest people on the planet) believed in God!

We as a people are heading for a cross roads in society and on one side of the road you have atheist/secular mindset ruling society with deep state control and a globalist fascist state with mass surveilance and an unelected 1% controlling the world. On the other hand you have a world where people are reconnecting with God and their spirit, embracing spiritual freedom and their own unique spiritual power and gifts, with trustworthy leaders who may well be Gods chosen Elect prophets leading society. Which road would you rather take?

If you read this book and enjoyed it then I encourage you to act now and take part in the global spiritual awakening that is happening on the planet!

Share / create content. Express yourself. Embrace the spiritual path and heal yourself from the negative programs of the matrix that are not of true importance or benefit to you. Meditate and go within and may I see you on the other side!

Thank you for reading!

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Talk to me about healing.. if your struggling and need help with healing, talk to me and I can help.. email me @

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