Introduction (Part 1):
In this short book I am going to explain spirituality and a spiritual view of illness, sickness and disease, including physical sickness (e.g. a common cold or even cancer), a physical injury (e.g. a broken leg), and mental illness (e.g. bipolar, schizophrenia, severe depression or severe anxiety), and give you as many ways as I can think of to help you heal from sickness of the mind, body or spirit with a view to helping you build your spiritual relationship with yourself and with the life force of the universe.
Its all about fixing your energetic relationship with the universe. Your karma! Your light body is not exchanging enough positive energy with the universe to stay healthy and when you change this you will heal.
Spirituality can be said to be a view that science doesn’t explain everything about the universe and that there is a higher intelligence that governs life, and also that modern medicine and psychiatry are wrong in their explanation of the mind and body being disconnected from God or the spirit.
The spirit is energy and everything in the universe is energy including the mind body and spirit system. It is an energetic system. It is easier to understand it this way compared to modern biology, medicine and psychology which are complex.
Nicolas Tesla said if you want to better understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration and this goes for your health as well.
You have what is called a light body, which sits in behind your physical body on a spiritual level and when you begin to activate your light body daily and charge it up with positive energy you will heal from you illness or disease.
It heals your karma to heal your light body so activate and engage with your light body daily by doing meditation and prayer and other activities known to raise the frequency of your spirit such as eating raw fruit and veg or exercising.
I have been researching and meditating on spirituality and some of its truths for years and have recently been successfully curing my schizophrenia/psychosis and depression with a combination of special meditation and addressing other factors that are contributing to my condition, factors (behaviors or lack of positive behaviours) that I will explain in later sections. I understand the underlying energetic and spiritual reasons that we attract illness, injury and suffering into our lives, and how to treat them.
The healing methods in this book should work for both physical and mental health, and give you ways to improve your spiritual and karmic(energetic) relationship with life and the universe.
I have been in and out of mental institutions for years but have only recently found something that works.
The psychiatric model for mental health in particular is only moderately successful, and only for some people. Most people I have seen with real mental health problems are in and out of hospital most of their lives taking medications that are toxic for the spirit, with a whole host of known horrible side effects. These people are depending on doctors and psychiatrists that could know a hell of a lot more about their mental /spiritual health and how to truly heal them. The doctors should be doing better, but they just don’t know everything, and it shows.
Modern medicine is not as bad as psychiatry in my opinion but it could still do better. It doesn’t understand the root spiritual causes of illness and therefore is still in the dark and could also be doing better.
We as a society need a new way of looking at mental health and health and medicine in general. A way that understands the underlying energetic and spiritual causes of health problems. A way that is accurately describable and widely applicable, even if it doesn’t benefit big corporations like the pharmaceutical industry.
The kind of society we live in is giving rise to huge amount of mental health problems, which is actually Gods way of telling us something is wrong and getting us to fix it.This is happening, slowly but surely, and I genuinely expect a revolution in western medicine and mental health in our lifetime.
If modern psychiatry, or possibly modern medicine, has not been able to help for you then this book will hopefully be helpful towards your answers. Also the methods(particularly the meditation) in this book will help you become protected from physical illness and live a longer more fulfilling life.
Preventing sickness is easier than curing it however, but both are possible by treating the underlying energetic and spiritual factors, and in fact no medicine is needed! Results may vary but with commitment and insight anything is possible.
Introduction (Part 2): A Spiritual view of illness:
Spiritually speaking, an illness, sickness or injury is picked up or attracted when you are out of alignment with the universe/God and your higher spirit.
You behave in certain ways that nock you out of balance with the universe karmically. This means you have behaved in a way that God and your true spirit don’t agree with, a way that is somehow universally or spiritually wrong and that disagrees with your spirit, and through karma(both from this life and from past lives!), you attract an illness, sickness or even physical injury that is “sent by God” to re-balance you karmically. Your energetic relationship with the universe becomes more negative and the universe has to reward you accordingly.
You could say its because of your sins, but there’s more to it than that. Its because you are unconscious of your spiritual connection to the universe and by fixing that you will begin to heal. Repenting sins raises our spiritual vibration, and gives our light bodies more positive energy!
If you don’t believe in past lives, I wont argue with you here, but just think of your karma in this life as an energy blueprint in your higher spirit (in higher spiritual realms) that is actually expressed in, and comes through, your emotional and spiritual bodies, resounding with your higher spirit, dictating what you attract into your experience.
Karma is energies interacting in balance, and if you have certain karmic energies you will attract certain experiences, staying in balance according to the natural laws of the universe.
This is the way it happens with every ailment or illness, both physical and mental. When something is wrong with you physically or mentally it is a sign that you have “disobeyed God”, somewhere along the line, and that something is wrong in the spiritual realm, and this why God must balance and re-correct your spirit accordingly so that you may correct your spiritual flaws in the physical dimension or suffer the consequences of your actions. God is not punishing you he is re-balancing your spirit in a way that will somehow benefit you in the long run and in a way that your higher spirit wants!
Many diseases are from past life karma, and can easily be addressed through meditation, repenting of sins and becoming conscious of the ailments and their symptoms and addressing the symptoms with positive attention.
If you go out of balance with your spirit, you can pick up sickness and injury which is why its important to be spiritually aware of yourself and let your spirit guide you. Follow your heart.
What happens in the physical/mental realms is a reflection of the spiritual realm, As above, so below!
The spiritual realm is like the true realm, or the realm that makes the most sense. To understand the spiritual realm you must practise meditation or possibly have an outer body experience on psychedelics or a near death experienc, and develop a relationship with God and your higher self(your higher spirit in the spirit realm)
People usually attract an illness through bad spiritual behavior, or through not following their hearts but karmically speaking, karmic energy is shared between all conscious beings in the energetic eco system of the universe (particularly in our “closed” system Earth)and is contagious.
So our karma is shared and can be passed on to others, and you can actually help in the healing process of others by praying for them or sending them energy!
The earth is currently going through a karmic healing process so now is a great time to wake up and heal!
The universe is an energetic ecosystem. The earth is also a somewhat closed energetic ecosystem, but it is connected to other planets and star systems as well. The energy of a being reflects that being’s karma and if you have good karma you will radiate positivity into the ecosystem and you will be happy and if you have bad karma you will radiate negativity into the ecosystem and be in suffering. This suffering will spread to others!
You pick up from and radiate into the karmic(energetic) ecosystem of the human collective consciousness and the planets conscious eco system, and since the karmic eco system of humanity and the planet is in a bit of disarray at the moment, it is possible to pick up negative karma if you are unconscious, which many people are. This is also why when you heal yourself you unconsciously heal the world and others around you! The healing energy is much more powerful than the negative unconscious energy and spreads 10 times more powerfully than the negative suffering energy.
To become conscious and protected you must meditate daily and increase activities to strengthen your aura(energetic/electromagnetic field) which is reflected and can be accessed inside the body, and you must also stregthen your relationship with yourself, your spirit and God/ the Universe
The aura reflects the life force energy of your spirit and your karma and can be healed through meditation, proper nutrition and spiritual practices which I will discuss later.
Speaking of mental illness in particular, many people with mental illness have a higher frequency spiritual vibration, meaning the energy of their spirit “vibrates” at a higher frequency compared to “normal” people. They are more sensitive to energies and as a result cannot cope with the powerful negative energies on the planet at the moment.
Everything in the universe is vibrating energy and people with a high vibration tend to be hyper sensitive people. Hyper sensitive people are the people who for example if they were born in a tribal culture could be the ones who are “called on” by the spirit to be healers/shamans of their tribe.
However, everyone displays some traits of the hyper sensitive person, so its difficult to explain mental illness in this way, just remember that if you have a mental illness it is most likely your purpose to be a healer of your tribe or culture, because our culture itself ismis-aligned with the universe and Gods natural laws, which is why we experiences wars, suffering, and things like COVID19! It is to correct our path as a collective and “pay us back” for our history of wrongdoings to the planet as a collective!
You may or may not be achieving or even aware of this purpose from God to become a healer, and unfortunately, modern psychiatry tends to turn people away from this universal goal of spiritual healing, which is unconsciously sinister in terms of the greater energetic and spiritual ecosystem of the planet.
Here you have gifted healers on concoctions of horrible drugs, locked up in hospitals and programmed to be dependent on a system of “medicine and healing” that is not aware of the truth of the universe.
Your Psychiatrist should be aware of spiritual truths and the role that spirituality plays in the healing process.
To heal your mental illness, or even physical sickness, and achieve a positive karmic relationship with the Universe/God once again, you must treat the core energetic factors of your mental/physical/(spiritual)illness. You must heal your aura and your karma through meditation and other spiritually central methods, and you will experience joy and health and a high vibration once again.
Chapter 1: Push Yourself and Work Hard:
In order to heal you have to be willing to change and push yourself as much as possible. Nobody else can do it for you. You have to take on a new way of life. Do the work, take responsibility for your life and your healing, do the research and do whatever it takes to succeed.
If your not really bothered then you may end up nowhere. This is probably the most important thing you need to know in order to heal.
Chapter 2: A Special Meditation Designed to Bring Full Health and Balance to Your Life:
The mind, body and spirit are intimately connected, and the best way to heal them is by healing the energies of the chakra system.
The chakra system is an energy system of 7 “wheels” of energy, called chakras, that connect the mind body and spirit together in harmony with God/ The Universe.
They can also be called the “seven spirits”, and each chakra represents a different “layer of the self”, corresponding to different gland groups/major organs in the body.
The 7 chakras are now very popular and you can find tons of information about them online. I will give you the basics here but I suggest you research them more for your healing benefit.
You have:
1: The “Root” Chakra at the base of the spine:
This chakra is responsible for physical survival and grounding. It can also be related to your level of freedom and responsibility in the world including financial freedom. When healthy and unblocked feelings of peace and security may be present.
2: The “Sacral” Chakra just below the belly button:
This chakra is responsible for creativity, pleasure and the social layer of the self. When healthy and unblocked feelings of bliss and happiness may be present.
3: The “Solar Plexus” Chakra at the stomach, below the bottom of the rib cage:
This chakra is responsible for strength, will, power and self esteem. It is the centre of ego and when healthy and unblocked feelings of strength, confidence and grounding may be present.
4: The “Heart” Chakra in the centre of the chest:
This chakra is responsible for love, relationships and feelings and reflects the whole chakra system. Your higher self/God can communicate with you through your heart chakra and the emotions. When healthy and unblocked feelings of peace, self love, and belonging/ purpose/ responsibility may be present.
5: The “Throat” Chakra in the centre of the throat:
This chakra is responsible for communication and expression. When healthy and unblocked feelings of joy and freedom may be present.
6: The “Third Eye” Chakra in the centre of the forehead:
This chakra is responsible for intuition, mental imagary and psychic abilities(ESP). When healthy and unblocked feelings of knowing, understanding and wisdom may be present
7: The “Crown” Chakra at the tip of your head:
This chakra is responsible for divine connection, oneness and unconditional love. When healthy and unblocked feelings of divine connection and blissful unconditional love for God and nature may be present.
To heal your chakra system and the core energies of your mind, body and spirit I will explain to you a special meditation I learned from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth(Tablet 13, The Keys of Life and Death). You can read all 15 of the emerald tablets and more on my website
This meditation is a game changer and a life saver. It will heal your mind, body and spiritual system fast, effectively and wholefully and manifest health and spiritual success in your life. It will help you manifest your hearts desires, see life and your self more clearly and help you manifest a healthy aura and spirit, healing trauma and other negativity. It will also help you manifest your life’s true purpose successfully, but you have to do it properly. Its easy to do, but easier said than done.
To successfully make the most of the benefits of this meditation you will have to put in the efforts in the normal parts of your life as well. The meditation wont work on its own (although it almost would and is very powerful), but it is indeed a game changer.
It is even said that this meditation will give eternal life by keeping you in karmic alignment with the planets core electro-magnetic field and keeping you topped up on universal life force energy (Chi), feeding the body and spirit with the nourishment they crave, God’s high frequency source energy.
It is known that ageing is due to the vibration of telomeres in the cells of the body, and perhaps this meditation can slow down the vibration of these telomeres, anyway it is said that this technique can bring eternal life so enjoy!
I was sceptical of the meditation at first but now have seen it is curing my schizophrenia and changing my life and I know how.
First I’ll explain how to do it then ill explain how it works.
What you do is for one hour twice per day, and I recommend a minimum of one hour twice per day for maximum effect, (you have to put in the effort if you want the results! If you don’t have time then do at least half an hour twice per day), you lie down on your back and breathe, focusing your awareness inside the body.
For one hour(preferably the first one), you lie with your head facing the North Pole and your awareness “observing” inside the body from your chest to the tip of your crown or head. For the second hour, you lie with your head facing the South pole, and your awareness “observing” inside the body from the chest to the feet.
Every 7th time you do it you balance the poles of your chakra system, so basically you keep a journal and every 7th time you do an hour you do the full body instead of one half, balancing with the middle of your awareness at the heart chakra and scanning your awareness through your whole body. This balances the poles properly and is important.
What this meditation does is aligns the electro-magnetic poles of your aura or energy system with the energy poles of the Earth’s core magnetic field. It creates resonance, and the “observing” is a process that is shining the light of your consciousness on your chakra system and healing it! Your attention is divinely connected to God through the Crown Chakra and when you look at something, Gods light is projected at it through you, giving you the power of self healing through attention!
Your spirit is in your body, and your body is in your spirit, this technique will raise the frequency of your bodies vibration and in turn your spirit, and ground divine energy into your body that will radiate out from you, positively affecting the energetic environment around you.
You can enhance this radiation process by purposefully using your body and heart chakra to radiate love and light into the world around you.
This is a very powerful method and the more you practice the more powerful it gets. Its genuinely supposed to be the secret to eternal life(Read Emerald Tablet 13, The keys to Life and Death)
This meditation is the holy grail! But you need to be disciplined and stick to it to get results.
When meditating try to become aware of your feelings/emotions, this will show you what your spirit wants you to see and help with your spiritual journey!
Many people with mental health problems (such as schizophrenia) have a weakened aura, and are seriously ungrounded in their spiritual life. This meditation will ground you, and centre you spiritually. Expect good results in a matter of weeks, and after a few months expect total change and to be manifesting health and abundance(wealth) in your life and then the progress will only get better.
It has truly been a lifesaver for me, succeeding where medication could not, relieving my psychotic symptoms and depression and aiding my spiritual progress in ways I couldn’t dream of before.
Keeping a meditation journal is a good idea also, helping you to track your progress.
This meditation (and meditation in general) will help you get in touch with your spirit, deepen your awareness, and solve issues that are holding you back mentaly, physically and spiritually.
Give it time, and it will work!
Chapter 3: Become aware of your emotions and FEEL!
Feeling and becoming aware of your emotions is the first step towards your spiritual success. If you are not in touch with your emotions you will miss signs from your spirit and you will also be unconscious of yourself.
During the day and during meditation, ask yourself how am I feeling and why is that? You will become more conscious and resolve issues more quickly!
Chapter 4: You are powerful, Practice Using Your Power to Help Gods plan of World Healing Daily!
You are a powerful creator connected to God and you have the power to affect the world positively, through prayer and sending energy out to other people and the world.
The world is beginning to fill up more with light, as people are breaking free from the dark matrix of illusion and deception, and coming into their spiritual power.
Use your power daily to assist in the light being sent to earth from God and the cosmos. Do a 10 to 20 minute prayer and meditation session daily focussing on sending love and light and healing to other people you know and the world.
Your contribution will make a difference, and your unconditional love is powerful enough to wake up the dead!
There are lost spirits in the ether of the planet and all these spirits need is love and light from someone connected to God to re-awaken them to their divine truth, that they are Gods seed with the purpose of growth learning and servitude to the higher universe.
It is said that Jesus would raise the dead, and this happens through the light energy on the earth raising in frequency and spreading to all the dark corners of the matrix. Every being in the universe is basically just love energy, and when they get reminded of this they are forced to confront their dark behaviors and rejoin the light.
Pray for the dead and send unconditional love to the universe. Its well worth it and if everyone did this we would speed up the process of the kingdom of heaven returning to the earth!
Be mindful of your energy during the day and if you lose positivity take a breath and become positive about your lifes goals once again.
Make healing yourself and others a life goal, and do your best. Healing others is intimately connected with healing yourself!
God will reward you for your services and this is a great way for you to help the planet heal. .
Chapter 5: Use Your Word, Self Love, and Consciousness to Heal Your Body:
Your word is powerful and what you say to yourself affects your health. If part of your body is unwell you can help heal it by talking to it in your head, thinking positively and using self love to heal the body.
For example, if your foot is sore you can say, to your foot”im sorry, i love you and I want you to heal”. Repeating this like a mantra and using other mantras will help to speed up the healing of your foot. This method can work even for cancer or any other illness in the body.
Become conscious of why you think you got the illness in the first place. You got the illness because of karma and the illness is telling you something about your past, present and future. If you become conscious of why you got the illness and correct this then you can become forgiven by spirit and you will heal quickly.
Use your word, self love and consciousness to heal the body, mind and spirit quickly and effectively.
Chapter 6: Put Your Life in a Straight Line in Your Head and Analyse Emotional Ups and Downs, Mistakes and Successes to Give Yourself a Better Idea of Who You Are and What Made you that Way, and to Become Forgiven for your Sins:
This goes hand in hand with becoming conscious of what made you get unhealthy. God works in mysterious ways and can reward or punish us in ways that are unclear at first.
Not everyone gets their past in order in their head. Its important to do so. Putting your life in a straight line in your head will give you a better perspective of who you are and what you’ve been through and might shine light on the mystical and karmic reasons you became unwell.
Becoming comfortable with everything will help complete your self image.
There can be things buried from childhood that affect us in later life and uncovering these things can help in the healing process.
Its important to remember to love/accept everything unconditionally, dont let fear take over and forgive yourself and everyone concerned in any issue.
If you notice bad habits that may have led to your illness then you should correct these behaviours because unless you do the universe will try to call your attention to the bad behaviours in ways that can be very unpleasant.
Get a sense of who you were as a child and try to heal your inner child in the here and now. You are still the same child from the past and its important to heal your inner child to become whole as an adult. You may have been bullied or hard done by in the past. Move through your emotional problems with unconditional self love and forgivenss and unconditional love and forgiveness for everyone involved, including God/the higher unverse.
Doing this helped me unlock memories I had forgotten about and led me to new self discovery.
I even unlocked memories that are in an undisclosed spiritual memory bank of talking to God and other people in another dimension when i was a kid, like I was a jedi!
The mind hides from what it doesn’t want to know, and its important to fearlessly face yourself and your past and try to rectify wrong doings and hidden problems.
Your bound to have fun with this as well!
It will also help your relationship with your self and the universe and hopefully assist you in fixing problems with your karma and your life.
A good way of getting your life in order in your head is by writing it down or by meditating on it.
Best of luck with this one and it will surely help you to see yourself and life more clearly!
Chapter 7: Repent Your Sins!
Repenting your sins is a surefire way to transform your life and assist healing. Walking in the light of God is the only way to truly heal.
Make a list of all your behaviours and attitudes that you feel are negative/sinful and undertake to transform and cut them all out of your life.
Its easier said than done but it is imperative to live in a spiritual light if you want to heal and be successful spiritually.
Sins fall under the following categories according to my seven deadly sins theory.
Lust is the basic primal sin and it corresponds to the root chakra.
Engaging in lustful activity is toxic for the spirit. Sex is sacred and should be treated as such. Seeking sex simply for pleasure or for fullfillment will lead to suffering.
Sex should be a beautiful connection between 2 healthy people that love eachother on rare special occasions, otherwise the sexual energy will take over your consciousness and you can become addicted, perversed, drained spiritually and desensitised and the real appreciation and enjoyment will be lost. Love of the flesh will lead you astray, so be careful.
Lust is a problem on the planet at the moment. The music and film industries are sexualised and can corrupt the minds of children. Porn is especially bad for the spirit and corrupts and perverts the mind.
The heavenly virtue opposed to Lust is Chastity. Practice chastity and prayer to heal twisted sexual perceptions and restore sexual virtue to your life.
Chastity boosts the health of your chakra system, particularly the root and sacral chakras and is important for spiritual health.
Abstaining from sexual activity boosts and raises your spiritual frequency and is actually good karma.
Gluttony is the next level up in the ladder and corresponds to the sacral chakra.
Gluttonous behaviour does you no good. Eat to live, don’t live to eat!
Practice fasting from addictive foods to give a true appreciation for food and don’t eat heaps of junk food. Eat more fruit and veg and have a healthy diet with fasting as a regular activity.
Food is a vice for many people, don’t turn to junk food for comfort it will only set you back. Eat to live don’t live to eat!
Taking drugs is also a form of gluttony, although drugs can sometimes be helpful spiritually when used sparingly. Addictions are terrible for the spirit!
The heavenly virtue opposed to Gluttony is Temperance. Temperance is vital to contribute to strong willpower, and healthy esteem, without temperance you lack self control so it is important to practice abstinence from unhealthy foods and food in general to boost your willpower and self esteem.
Gluttony is a problem on the planet at the moment and many people could do with practicing wise eating. The fast food industry and junk food has partially taken over society.
The Emerald Tablets say the desire for food is a spiritual vice and blocks freedom of the spirit. Fasting until the desire for food is gone can free you from the bondage of flesh and darkness, but be careful when fasting for long periods.
Greed is the next level up from gluttony and corresponds to the solar plexus chakra.
Being greedy is unhealthy for your spirit and can contribute to the suffering of others. Practice generosity and thoughtfulness towards other people, and watch your happiness and peace of mind become boosted and your spirit freed!
Greed is a huge problem on the planet, with most of the wealth owned by 1% of the population. The system is rigged and its hard to get ahead, with selfishness and lies promoted by the system.
Help break the cycle now!
The heavenly virtue opposed to greed is charity. Practice charity today to boost spiritual esteem and to help others out where needed. Sharing is caring!
The next level up from greed in the deadly sins ladder is Sloth and Sloth corresponds to the heart chakra.
Sloth is not doing your due diligence and is a waste of your time and everyone else’s. You work wont be up to scratch, and you may not be fullfilled and you may become spiteful when you don’t succeed at what you are doing. Laziness and apathy is a killer.
Do proper research on topics, it will stick to you in the long run and may be the catalyst for your fulfilment.
The world needs those who are ready to put in the work and not take shortcuts that take from other peoples well-being and time.
Dilligence is the heavenly virtue opposed to sloth. Diligence is when you take the time and make the effort to get something done properly and effectively., living your life with concern for others and what you put out there.
Putting others first will get you ahead in the long run. If only politicians and corporations were truly diligent the planet would be a different place.
The next level up from sloth is envy, corresponding to the throat chakra.
Envy is when you exibit jealousy in your emotions. It is a waste of your energy and leads to wrong doings. The person you are envious of is stealing your energy. Pray for full spirits and be happy with what you have and if you’re not happy with what you have then its time to go back to the drawing board and try something new.
Kindness is the heavenly virtue opposed to Envy. Jealousy will get you nowhere be humble and appreciate what you have and focus on your own shortcomings and a way to improve on yourself.
I feel most people are ok with this one but you never know.
The second highest deadly sin on the list is wrath, corresponding to the third eye chakra.
Wrath is rage and acting out of frustration and will ultimately lead to you doing something you will regret.
Take a breath before you act on your rage and keep your energy intact.
Patience is the heavenly virtue opposed to Wrath. Practice patience in your relationships and life, especially when things are strained, you will solve more problems and reap the rewards.
The last deadly sin on the list is Pride, corresponding to the crown chakra.
Being prideful is putting yourself before or above other people, this is unhealthy for you and others as its not what life is truly about.
Humility is the heavenly virtue opposed to pride. Practice humility and know that you are not much greater than anyone else, and you are not much without the grace of God. You are perhaps lucky or gifted, but should think about other people and how your attitude affects them.
Meditation creates humility.
Pride can cause jealousy in a community and looking down on other people is not the way to go. Put yourself in their shoes maybe you could have been them in another life. In a way everyone is a part of who you are and they are not seperate from you. Thinking about this will help
If you are getting ahead in life you can also think of your shortcomings, always do better and try help others where possible.
The heavenly virtues are a guide to walking the path of light, and receiving grace from God and the Universe. Practice them to improve your relationship with God and set yourself free from worldly burdens.
Keeping Busy and Keeping a Weekly/Daily Routine:
Keeping busy will allow the cogs of your spiritual system to go to work healing. It will give you a boost of esteem to acheive something every day and acheiving goals is known to release dopamine.
Keeping a schedule is good for your mental health and organising your life is good practise.
Take up a hobby, or get a job that suits you, these things are known to contribute to a healthy spirit(unless the job is soul destroying so make sure you can handle the job if you get one). Work is an important part of life and if you are not working chances are you feel like you are less worthy than those who work.
Keeping busy will hopefully allow you to stay on top of life and have a beneficial effect on your relationship with life as well.
Being prouctive is great for your esteem(solar plexus chakra)
Chapter 8:Food: Eating Less/No Meat + Eating more Fruit and Veg
When you eat meat, you ingest and take on the conscious energy of the animals you are eating. Animals tend to get distressed before they die so you take on their distress into your life when you eat them. Also, killing animals is not a good act for your spirit and you may suffer consequences as a result from the universe.
Some people say you need meat to have a balanced diet but others say you don’t. Look into vegetarian and vegan diets and if your really up for something out there then look into breatharianism.
Breatharianism is where you eat no food or water but live totally on prana(Chi energy). There are people who really do this and they say its a great way to live in harmony with nature in a higher state of being. The body seems to magically produce what it needs from the Chi energy.
The truth is you don’t really need meat to survive and live healthily and I believe the body can actually produce nutrients that it needs when you are living in high a frequency vibration. You may want to do proper research on this before you try it but you can get all the recommended nutrients from a vegan or vegetarian diet with supplemments, and begin saving animals in the process.
Vegan and vegetarian diets are high in frequency and free of bad karma.
Free the animals!
Chapter 9: Get Plenty of Exercise and Do it Regularly!
Exercise releases positive endorphins in the brain, which are very good for your system. It also increases your discipline and self esteem/confidence and cardio training and weight training have been been shown to rewire the brain and create new positive neural pathways in your brain.
The neural pathways that develop correspond to a boost in spiritual health and exercise will help you develop a positive and healthy mindset.
If you cant do intensive exercise then at least get out for a walk every day!
Chapter 10: Take a Good Look at Yourself and Do Shadow Work/ Inner Alchemy:
Taking a good look at yourself and realising that you don’t like what you see will motivate you to change. Becoming conscious of why you do things and if you really agree with your underlying motivations is called shadow work/ inner alchemy. It will raise you out of bad behaviors and into the light of consciousness.
This method will help with repenting your sins. And goes hand in hand with getting your life into a straight line in your head.
Find out if you even agree with your own behavior. Smoking, drinking, taking drugs, eating too much junk food, are all an example of bad behaviors people do on the regular.
Its time to take a look at yourself and change your behaviour!
Shadow work is a great way to improve your relationship wth yourself andraise your vibration and improve your relationship with God/the Universe and will help you become conscious of what needs healing!
Chapter 11: Seek Truth, Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom:
Everyone is on a spiritual path, whether they know it or not and truth knowledge and wisdom are crucial on this path. The truth shall set you free, and knowledge and wisdom are power.
Not everything we are told in the media adds up to the true story of whats going on, and there are many alternative media sites and channels for you to look at that will paint a clearer picture of what those who rule society are really up to.
There are real conspiracies that run deep into the spiritual workings of humanity. Secret Knowledge of the workings of the universe and the human mind being used for money and power by a select few. Secretive organisations and secret societies affecting global politics, banking, media and more.
Wise up on the truth of society and opt out of the rat race game. Look after your mental physical and spiritual health first and foremost, and seek to affect positive change in the world when and where your able able and contribute to the growing awakening that is taking place on the planet. The highest and most fulfilling purpose is service to others and service to God.
Read the Emerald Tablets(Ancient spiritual wisdom), read the Bible, read about Buddhism and yoga, read The Gnostic Gospel (Hidden Christian Gospels) learn about the true history of humanity that has been hidden from you. Find good people who are in the know and stay in touch with their content. There are plenty out there on Youtube and the internet in general.
Fill your mind and spirit with wisdom and put the wisdom into practice! You will be glad you did!
Chapter 12: Practice/ master a spiritua/healing discipline:
Practicing a spiritual/healing discipline is one obvious way to self heal. You will use up your time learning something valuable and add meaning and purpose to your life.
Some popular ones out there are:
Reiki is an energetic healing method where the practitioner channels Universal life force energy through their hands to the client. It is a great way to self heal, harnessing the power of Gods Universal life force energy.
There are cheap reiki courses online that teach you powerful self healing methods, and there are also free reiki courses on youtube, or you could find a local teacher.
The more you practice reiki, the stronger your connection to the Universal energy gets, and its easy to incorporate reiki into your life.
Reiki is easy to use and has shown to be effective in treating mental as well as physical illnesses, and it is relatively straight forward to practice and master.
Tai chi:
Tai Chi is an energetic discipline that involves moving Chi (life force energy) around the body with movements of the hands and body.
You can learn tai chi cheap or for free online and on youtube.
Tai Chi supports balance in the Chi system(energetic system) and supports good mental and physical as well as spiritual health.
Connection to Chi is very good for you and promotes health and longevity.
Yoga is a great discipline to learn if you want to remain physically healthy and create a deeper spiritual connection between you and your spiritual self. There are free yoga classes on youtube. Try yoga to help in the self healing process
Qi Gong:
Qi Gong is like Tai chi but I think it also is like reiki in a way that you can heal others with it. It promotes wellness in the mind body and spirit. I’m not too sure of the differences between Qi Gong and Tai Chi but look into them if you are interested in learning to balance and master your Chi energy.
Use the meditation from the emerald tablets as I explained it to heal your chakra system and light body, and apply the other techniques I explained to enhance your spiritual wellness and you will be well on your way to healing from your karmic struggles!
Make healing your goal and make a goal to heal others if you are able. Be aware of what you are projecting into the universe and begin to project positivity and healing.
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Talk to me about healing.. if your struggling and need help with healing, talk to me and I can help.. email me @