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Writer's pictureOisin Noonan

Spirit Guides

Updated: May 19, 2022

You have a team of spirit guides or angel guides who work with your higher self to give you lessons and guide you in your life. These guides are your friends and soul family and although you might not know about them, they are there guiding you on your path and helping you learn about yourself and the universe.

Some spirits are bad however, they feed on negative energy and can even be called demons so be careful when contacting your spirit guides. when contacting spirit guides be sure to contact them in love for creation and not in means that are selfish as you can attract the wrong ones.

Even the bad spirits are ultimately good though as they work for God and your higher self so don't worry.

Your spirit guides can communicate through your intuition and dreams like the higher self can, and you can sometimes feel their presence.

I felt the presence of my spirit guides when having sex for the first time, it was like I had a new part of me I never knew about and I realized after that it was an angel showing me that I had the attribute of being charming. It was a presence within me and it felt really cool.

See if you can ever remember a presence within you telling you something, that could be your spirit guides! or try contacting your spirit guides today but remember to be careful and pray to Jesus/God if you think you need help.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to subscribe and like us on Facebook to get updates about future posts, and don't hesitate to contact me with questions or requests I am an expert in many topics and I am here to help.

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