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Writer's pictureOisin Noonan

The importance of repenting your sins, praying fasting and meditating...

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

We live in spiritually dark times but there is something great happening on the planet at the moment. God is returning to the planet. Spiritual love and light is growing within the people and the wisdom that was usually only kept for the elite is now becoming public knowledge. The occult(hidden) knowledge is coming to light and the world is changing for the better.

Many call it the Great Awakening or the Second Coming of Christ Consciousness, the world will soon see massive spiritual changes and enlightenment will return to society like the times of Atlantis and other high civilizations. Compassion will rule and society will exist with abundance and true freedom for all people like it should. The kingdom of heaven will return to the planet and needless suffering and chaos will be no more.

However, at the moment we live in a dark spiritual matrix, ran by Satan and dark beings called Archons. This matrix is like a prison for the soul of humanity, ran by the elites who profit and gain off the enslavement of the common man.

This matrix is like an energetic prison where possibility is limited and negativity is reinforced in the collective unconscious of humanity. Humanity’s energy has been high-jacked by a negative parasite that feeds on suffering, fear and trauma and the system has been purposefully set up by the so called elites to keep the people in ego-based control. They want us to be powerless but we are slowly taking back the power by becoming spiritually aware and living from the spirit and not the ego.

The matrix is energetic in nature and is all around us. Fear and suffering feed the dark matrix but love(unconditional) dissolves it! Raising the frequency of vibration(spiritual and energetic vibration of the heart and mind) from lack to unconditional love begins to dissolve the matrix all around us energetically and when enough people begin to raise their energy from ego based lack to spirit based abundance and step into their power as infinite creators, there will be a tipping point in the spirit of humanity and the matrix will collapse, bringing with it a huge shift in the planetary consciousness.

So each person who is aware of this fact has a moral obligation to raise their energy vibration and become their greatest version, and contribute where they can to the dissolving and collapse of the Satanic matrix.

To do this one must repent their sins and pray, fast and meditate and get in touch with their spiritual selves. We must embody our higher/divine selves and find our divine purpose as an infinite creator, radiating love and abundance, with good conscience, not lack or unconsciousness.

Sin feeds the matrix, keeps us distracted from higher goals and creates suffering and lack that causes us to experience negativity and ill spiritual health and unconsiousness. Repenting our sins brings us closer to God and living purely raises our vibration from lack to self appreciation and unconditional love.

Praying helps us use our power for good, set intentions, and harness the power of God in our lives.

Meditating, which is crucial for spirituality (getting to know your divine self and deprogram the lies of the matrix that have been programmed into you from birth), raises our vibration and our consciousness to be more healthy, powerful and ultimately connects our minds and hearts to God and aligns us with our higher selves/ divine selves(our soul has a higher aspect which governs our life called the higher self!). Meditation also allows us to charge our spirits with Gods unconditional love and helps us see through the illusion(maya) of the matrix.

Fasting, when combined with meditation and prayer, allows us to recover from food addiction(which is a sin and a big cause of unconsciousness), and allows us to clear our minds and spiritual vessels to resonate more with spirit and recieve spiritual experiences (downloads from God). Fasting raises the vibration and is also crucial for seeing the way Jesus did!

So everyone that is aware of the Great Awakening has a moral obligation to contribute to it by walking with the spirit and stepping into their divine power! This is very important, sadly many people don’t care enough or believe in their power enough to affect real change, but many actually do and their rewards will be great!

Not only will it benefit others but it will bring you better things for yourself as well!

Try taking up a daily meditation and prayer practice, with some regular fasting and watch yourself heal from the sickness of the world. Healing yourself is intimately connected to healing others, so when you heal yourself you will begin to radiate healing out into the universe and other people will feel it!

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